Monday, January 12, 2009

A Word of Caution

I understand that most of us get really, really excited about Disneyland. Hence, the blog dedicated to all things DL. However, there are some things I need to warn all you freeks (including myself) about. If one is so hypnotized by the majesty of the DL or DCA parks, he/she is in danger of falling into one of the following categories; a noob or a nerd. And while noobs and nerds have their differences, they both are equally disliked. Here is a brief summary to help you understand these two horrific illnesses:

NOOB - The technical definition of a noob is as follows:
Someone behaving or giving the impression to others that they are a novice (even though they might think otherwise). Often used as an insult or derogatory remark intended to imply that the person is naive, ignorant or has little or no skill.

Pay particularly close attention to the "even though they might think otherwise" portion of that definition. It is a fact that most noobs don't even know they are. Unfortunately, when someone doesn't know he/she is a noob, that person tends to display outward attributes which some would consider embarrassing. Because noobs are generally oblivious to their noobness, they have no idea they should be embarrassed. Here is a classic example of some Disneyland noobs:

These two are completely unaware that they are noobs. In fact, they probably feel like they fit right in with the rest of the parks visitors. We all know it's their first time despite a valiant effort to look like seasoned park veterans. The goofy hats, tie-dye shirts, 3D goggles, and two ton lanyards give them away. The rest of us get a good laugh as we watch these two DL noobs enter Toy Story's Midway Mania ride. But hey, looks like their having a good time, right?

NERD- an unattractive, boring or unpopular person, esp. one who is obsessed with a particular subject.

These are the guys who score 15,000,000 points on one round of Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters. While we freeks like to get high scores... we don't ever want to get that high. Watch out for nerds, because you can't always immediately identify one. There are some nerds, however, who couldn't hide in the darkest part of the Indiana Jones ride. This guy for example:

If you ever get home after a DL trip, and find a picture like this one in your camera... it's probably a good idea to take a break from the park for a while. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing weird about taking some funny photo's in the crazy hat shop. Those pictures are just hilarious. The nerd problem arises when you don't think you're taking funny photos, but you actually believe you're taking cool action shots. Clearly this guy is planning on posting this picture on his account when he gets home... you know... cause chicks dig this kind of stuff.

OK. I'm glad we had this little chat. Let us continue DL and DCA for all the awesomness it holds, but let us also be aware of our surroundings and never let one another fall into one of the two aforementioned categories. We're freeks, not freaks. Let's keep it that way. Oh and just one last word of advice. If you think DL security tolerates noobs and nerds, think again. This could be you the next time you "let go" and let your inner noob/nerd come out:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you sure loved the buss riyd. you also left glowy with me. glowy missis you. love mckinley