Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Celebrate! A Street Party

Here is a short article from the Los Angeles Times highlighting some of the plans for the new Disneyland parade for 2009: Celebrate! A Street Party. Aparently Disneyland wants this new production to feel more like a street party and less like a parade. Either way, it's going to be pretty awesome.

Although Disneyland isn’t calling it a parade, the new “interactive street party” debuting March 27 will travel along the parade route, replace the outgoing parade and essentially serve as the daily parade.

In typical punctuation-challenged Disney fashion, Celebrate! A Street Party will feature seven floats and 90 performers in a “celebratory song and dance party.”

Banners and ribbons will connect the floats as if in a long chain, according to Screamscape, with periodic high points punctuated by confetti-cannon fodder. Cue the street sweepers.

The anti-parade will make at least two show stops — on Main Street U.S.A. and in front of It’s a Small World — where singers, dancers, stilt-walkers and Disney characters will shake and shimmy to party songs.

Similar in scale to the Parade of Dreams, which the new whatever-you-do-don’t-call-it-a-parade replaces, Celebrate! A Street Party will typically run twice on busy days and once on slower days.


Ziegler/Stephenson's said...

Okay this looks fuuuuuun!

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, who wrote this?? Someone please check the spelling of "aparently".